04 November 2011

Minus The Bear - mobile edition

Saux menny kuleurzzz!~

Sometimes I hate shows, concerts, events involving large crowds (with or without assigned seating) because you tend to forget that most people in the world are not 4'9 1/2" and so I spend either a lot of time dodging head shadows or on tippy toes.
Also it irks me when I see couples at shows. Not because I'm jealous, at all, by any means, but because, I mean how can you enjoy a show, with the room being as hot as it is already, with someone hanging onto you the entire time? It baffles me. Extra body heat, no thank you! I remember I went to a show with Julian once, and, no. Just, no. Anyway, Julian who? right? (Plus I think I am a lot more sensitive to heat because I hate the heat but I lovessss the cold.)
I so0o0o0o0o0oooooo0000o0o enjoyed dancing by myself! How do people stand so stiff the entire time? Head knods and feet tapping, they just don't do the whole ~concert experience~ any justice.

So on a scale of 1-10, how obnoxious do I find myself right now?

Dear Cold that I currently have since all Hallow's Eve,
Beat it.

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