18 September 2012

sam weir

I have recently taken it upon myself to take the little time I have before I must get ready for work to play around with ze bloggy. So (almost) everything is new! That was fun. I could use more fun in my days lately.

I was tricked into thinking I had a day off finally. My supervisor called me and asked if I could work since someone called out. This was me:

Working there.. I can tell it gets very clique-y. I don't know how much I like that aspect of it. Maybe it's because they're so young. Not that I'm old at 23, but there is a large gap in between my 23, and about five of their 18-19-20.

Now, I am getting lost in the sounds of Mr. Ocean and the nostalgia of flipping through images I've once captured when I lived in LA and thought I was so cool taking all these cool pictures. No. They were ok.

Aw, man. Until next time. Please know I haven't reached happiness quite yet, but I can sense it is in my not too distant future.

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