28 November 2011



Christine pondering the Lego creation at Barnes & Noble

Christmas lights by my house

Dentist appointment

20 November 2011


So my family decided to make a facebook group dedicated entirely to our family. Every day (it's only been up less than a week, but some of these people live on facebook and are completely utilizing this annoying feature on this damn social network website clogging my feed with memories from their childhood that they ALREADY talk about in real life all the time).. As I was saying, every day someone posts a topic for everyone to comment on and give their take. I try to avoid this page at all costs. But these notifications get sent to my cell phone!!

Today was about me. FYI, my middle name is Farr but it is pronounced Fa and that is the name that my entire family calls me by. (Christmas sucks with "Deck the Halls.")

Here's a little taste of me, the way my family views me:

I, apparently, am a hateful little thing. Who bites people.
Can I just take a second to defend myself? My sister and I were fighting that day and she was digging her nails into my arm and I couldn't do much but do what I did. Ugh.
This does not do much defending.
I am ashamed.

12 November 2011

digital spam

Escondido Fair:
Part of me likes the larger version of this picture. But hello there, smog.

Balloon fun

I also like the larger size of this picture.

No comment.

Minus the Bear:

In the larger version you are able to see more colors!

Do you see all these colors? Seww mennnyyy kuleurzzzz!~

It stops being fun the moment it starts becoming real. And all you're left with is yourself.

08 November 2011

I can feel me getting too emotionally invested into whatever this even is. I know that because I will get slightly more sensitive and paranoid that whatever your replies are, are about me. I know this because I am getting stupid-girl crazy again. Butmaybeitsjustthehormones. I'm also doing that whole "reading more into things"....... like, "you said this, but what DOES IT MEAN??!!" Just that.

My thoughts and feelings are so fucking loud it is drowning out any ounce of rationalization I have left.
Zen, man. I need zen. Maybe that comes in the form of 1Q83 and jazz. Or Jonsi.

You grow like tornado
Destroy everything through
Destroy from the inside

06 November 2011


Bought another book despite the fact that I still have 7000 other ones to finish but I'm excited because this is my first Marukami. Also, I got a cute baby.

04 November 2011


This is the only picture I have access to of said Halloween costume since I did not (surprisingly) take pictures. So it looks awful. Because I wore my regular clothes. With a felt hat. And a "Strudel Beard" from Spirit Halloween store.

I don't even like this picture!

Minus The Bear - mobile edition

Saux menny kuleurzzz!~

Sometimes I hate shows, concerts, events involving large crowds (with or without assigned seating) because you tend to forget that most people in the world are not 4'9 1/2" and so I spend either a lot of time dodging head shadows or on tippy toes.
Also it irks me when I see couples at shows. Not because I'm jealous, at all, by any means, but because, I mean how can you enjoy a show, with the room being as hot as it is already, with someone hanging onto you the entire time? It baffles me. Extra body heat, no thank you! I remember I went to a show with Julian once, and, no. Just, no. Anyway, Julian who? right? (Plus I think I am a lot more sensitive to heat because I hate the heat but I lovessss the cold.)
I so0o0o0o0o0oooooo0000o0o enjoyed dancing by myself! How do people stand so stiff the entire time? Head knods and feet tapping, they just don't do the whole ~concert experience~ any justice.

So on a scale of 1-10, how obnoxious do I find myself right now?

Dear Cold that I currently have since all Hallow's Eve,
Beat it.